Regionalist Autonomist Federation

The Alliance for Families and Communities proposes to Quebecers to form a REGIONALIST AUTONOMIST FEDERATION.

Given that the world has entered a decisive era for the destiny of humanity, it has therefore become vital to form unions that guarantee a sustainable future and to provide them with institutions based on new ideals to elevate the social and cultural evolution to the highest possible level of civilization and to organize ourselves in accordance with this irreversible state of affairs.

The proposal to establish a Regional Autonomist Federation stems from the ideology of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism and reflects the desire to undertake a major democratic shift to give the Quebec people of today and those of tomorrow, autonomy. , expanded powers to participate in decisions that concern it and means to contribute to the promotion of the common good, while fully and completely respecting the right to life of future generations.

As presented below, in brief, the Regionalist Autonomist Federation is a form of republican polyarchic governance deployed in Eight Republics, Ten Prefectures and an unlimited number of Independent Autonomous Territories. Each governance unit having powers to legislate and spend in the areas of competence determined by the said constitution and in accordance with the latter.


Before the reader becomes aware of this unique democratic model and its guiding principles, he is strongly suggested to examine the following aspects which underlie the objective of building a Regionalist Autonomist Federation.


The Constitution is a political act which unites and governs in an organized and hierarchical manner all relationships between those who govern and those who are governed within a geographical and human space. As a result of the democratic regime chosen by the constituent assembly, the constitution protects citizens against potential abuses of power by those in power (executive, legislative and judicial).

Quebec does not have a constitution brought together in a single document, but an undefined set of texts and other provisions enacted in the Constitution of Canada, so we can consider that the constitution of Quebec is customary in nature. This constitutional aspect remains an interminable argument, given the successive failures to resolve the situation resulting from “the night of the long knives”. In short, in 1982, the patriation of the Constitution of Canada by Pierre-Elliot Trudeau was not ratified by René Lévesque. Consequently, there remains deep disagreement on the constitutional level and by definition, there is no constitution worthy of the name here.

In doing so, do we have in our hands an unavoidable and sufficient problem to prevent the Constitution of a Regionalist Autonomist Federation in Quebec? Whether Quebec can or cannot adopt its own constitution is a question that will still cause a lot of ink to be spilled.

A priori, it is good to understand that Canada is a federation and that in federal states, the federated states can also have their own constitutions, as is the case of neighboring states in the USA. In this sense, it is therefore not necessary for Quebec to separate from Canada to form itself, unless Ottawa declares war on it! Which would be absurd.

As a Canadian province, if a Quebec Constitution had its own existence, from a legal point of view, it would nevertheless remain subject, in certain respects, to the supralegislative character of the Canadian Constitution.

To conclude on this aspect, whatever happens, except through an armed conflict between opposing political groups on this issue, how can we prevent a distinct people from governing by a distinct constitution the geographical and human space that he occupies, if this is his desire to unify and the affirmation of his will is majority, manifest and irrevocable? To ask the question is to answer it quite naturally.

Therefore, the omnipresence of an ongoing risk of dangerous conflict raises a central problem that must be subjected to analysis. How can Western civilization impose its will to promote a universal Western culture and does it have the capacity to subjugate others while its living force declines? In the same spirit, assuming that the answer does not lie in any form of serfdom, we must also ask ourselves how a small Western people can impose its culture on migrating civilizations and that at the same time, it is increasingly more dependent on immigrants to ensure its own survival in the Western economic sphere?

Let’s take this look at Quebec. A quarter of the founding population is over 65 years old. In 2023, temporary immigrants reached an all-time high. Their number jumped 46% in one year, from 361,000 to 528,000. Taking a walk around a schoolyard in the metropolis reveals in the blink of an eye a futuristic portrait of our next generations. If we take into account the major impact that the worsening of the climate situation will have on immigration, the borders of the West risk becoming sieves and no wall will prevent the great climatic migrations which are fast approaching. not. So, in Quebec as elsewhere, immigration will clearly increase dramatically.

Ultimately, after a long acquisition of knowledge and artificial intelligence which are now accessible to the four corners of the globe, humanity is heading towards a planetary situation which will inevitably have to be shared between all civilizations. The question remains whether this next step will be done in a true spirit of universality or according to the law that the son of Saturn imposed on mortals « allowing the big fish to eat the small ones » to enjoy all the water in the world. ocean by a sort of sovereign natural right.

In light of the above, instead of imposing integration into a presumed universal civilization through the power of coercion which generates systemic racism and instead of multiplying the constraints on individuals who have naturally internalized and learned to respect the main rules of their civilization, it seems much more reasonable to accommodate ourselves to the circumstances. For this reason, the Autonomist Regionalist Federation model offers participatory and inclusive governance.

POSTULATE: If in the contemporary world, individuals can live peacefully in society by virtue of similar cultural values ​​specific to a civilization and wars result from cultural differences between civilizations, then by extension, unless we have the certainty of being able to to dominate in the long term, on its territory, any people in the process of becoming a minority dependent on other civilizations should govern themselves judiciously according to this state of affairs which a priori, is a vision valid for generations to come.

In a Regionalist Autonomist Federation, each set of people who share common norms, behaviors and culture takes responsibility in order to form a more autonomous social group, all while remaining a distinct community assuming its share of governance. Within this new type of federation, under the influence of a National Executive Council, all distinct governances interact cooperatively with each other at all levels, and in return, all communities are committed to protecting and guaranteeing the rights, interests and cultural identity of the founding people, as well as to preserve its cultural and historical heritage.

To complement the eight civil governances within which communities define their common interests on a cultural basis, the Regionalist Autonomist Federation is made up of ten decentralized governances on a regional scale.

The Regionalist Autonomist Federation therefore proposes the implementation of new administrative processes within society, put in place to manage the interrelations between its citizens, or group of citizens, as well as their interactions under adequate governance to precisely manage tensions and frictions that arise when the needs of citizens, or groups of citizens, are partially or totally incompatible.

The Regionalist Autonomist Federation provides means to citizens and groups of citizens, to respond precisely to distinct needs which are partially or totally incompatible with the needs of one or more other citizens, whether they are in a group or not. The challenge is to develop in a more democratic way, while respecting the right to life of future generations and other civilizations, in short, to live peacefully together on Quebec territory.

According to a Japanese proverb: “The reasonable man adapts to all the circumstances and situations of life, just as water takes the shape of all the vases into which it is poured.” A reasonable people must also adapt to the consequences of their evolution.



The Regionalist Autonomist Federation is a dynamic model of coexistence of representative and direct democracies based on the obligation to govern a nation with a targeted vision of the long-term future and in a spirit favoring participation and inclusion.

Within the Regionalist Autonomist Federation, governance belongs to the people who exercise it, on the one hand by their representatives elected by direct and indirect ballot depending on the case, and on the other hand, by mechanisms of direct democracy and by the referendum route, if necessary.

No section of the people nor any individual can exercise governance in a sovereign manner. No judge can make a judicial decision alone.

In the Regionalist Autonomist Federation, there is no supreme leader.


In accordance with the Constitution, the Regionalist Autonomist Federation adheres to the following principles:

I. The people have full and complete confidence in their ability to emancipate themselves and be sovereign.

II. The law is the expression of the general will. All citizens have the right to contribute personally to its formation. The representatives elected by direct or indirect suffrage having a seat in the National Assembly of Quebec are responsible for drafting the texts of general laws with the assistance of state jurists.

III. General laws are adopted by a popular legislative vote expressing the general will. In the same way, legislation specific to the governance of the Eight Republics, the Ten Prefectures and the Independent Territorial Communities is adopted according to the general will of the community associated with said governance.

IV. The People are guarantors of the independence of the judicial authority in the first instance. In the lower courts, the People are represented by jurors selected according to democratic drawing processes consistent with the needs of the litigants and the case being heard. Jurors and litigants are supported by the Jurisconsulte du Peuple Québécois. Decisions rendered by the People may be appealed to the higher courts presided over by at least three (3) judges in collegiality.

V. The People eliminate poverty, impose limits on individual enrichment, protect minorities, condemn all discrimination linked to sex and prevent and combat all forms and manifestations of racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance.

The People guarantee citizens the enjoyment of fundamental rights, unless the exercise of said rights comes into conflict with the Constitution and the Guiding Principles of the nation.

VI. The People are responsible for their destiny. It equips itself with instruments of vigilance such as the Observatory of the Exercise of Discretionary Powers, to prevent any form of dictatorship, totalitarianism and corruption at all levels of governance.

VII. The People are represented in all executive governance by a Citizen Committee formed according to a democratic drawing process. Citizen committees are supported by the Intelligence and Public Relations Agency, the Observatory of the Exercise of Discretionary Powers and the Steering Council. The latter is responsible for developing and providing an appropriate training program to each member of a Citizens Committee.

VIII. The People adhere to the following Major Declarations and International Agreements: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948); International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966); International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966); Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1989); Vienna Declaration and Program of Action (1993)

And the People recognize that this set of rights and freedoms are essential for the individual. However, within the Regionalist Autonomist Federation, the rights and freedoms of the individual are only assured to an individual on the essential condition of being first favorable to the People, to the community and the collectivity of this individual.

Justice must seek fundamentality not only in the texts of the major charters and in jurisprudence, but a priori, the court must deduce the protection of the People, the Community, the Collective and the Family before that of the individual.

In this spirit of natural law, the right to economic freedom of the individual must not harm the right to life of future generations and the same goes for all other public and political freedoms.

IX. Under the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, minors have legal personality, they have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and equal rights from birth. Like the States Parties, the People undertake to provide the child with special protection so that he or she is able to develop in a healthy and normal manner.

However, in this regard, the People remain vigilant and condemn any form of abuse of discretionary power that may be committed against the child and his family, regardless of culture. Notwithstanding said commitment, the legislative and administrative measures of the Federation are subject to the following principles:

THE PRINCIPLE OF PARENTAL PRIMACY – In accordance with the principles of recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family as well as the equality and inalienable nature of the right to know one’s parents and to be raised by them, any decision taken in the interests of the child must maintain the child in his biological family environment, unless in his interest and with respect for his rights, the Personal and Family Rights Tribunal decides otherwise.

THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY OF FATHER AND MOTHER – Whereas the right of the child separated from one of his two parents to regularly maintain personal relations and direct contacts with his two parents, unless this is contrary to the interest of the child, the involvement of biological parents must always be encouraged with a view to helping them exercise parental authority together and tending to exercise their parental responsibilities in an egalitarian manner with regard to their child, whether the father and mother live together or not and whatever the reasons.

LEVEL 2 – THE PRIMITY OF THE PROXIMITY FAMILY – Subsequently, when, in the interest of the child, such maintenance in his family environment is not possible, the decision must invariably tend to entrust the child to members of his extended biological family when these people are capable, available and interested in ensuring continuity of care and stability of ties and living conditions appropriate to his needs and age and as close as possible to a normal family environment .

LEVEL 3 – CULTURAL PRIMACY – At the next stage, when it is not possible to entrust the child to his extended family, the decision must invariably tend to entrust the child to an alternative living environment capable of preserve their cultural and religious identity by favoring a member of the child’s community or nation when these people are capable, available and interested in ensuring continuity of care and stability of ties and living conditions appropriate to their needs. needs and at his age and as close as possible to a normal family environment.

LEVEL 4 – PERMANENT CARE – Finally, when the previous steps cannot be ordered by the court, the child may be the subject of an adoption plan or accommodation in a foster family or in institution or other measure.

In all cases, the level four decision must aim to ensure continuity of care and stability of links and living conditions appropriate to their needs and age on a permanent basis.

When its operative part orders a level two or three or four measure, the court’s decision must explain the reasons by means of fact and law for which each previous level was judged inapplicable in the order provided for in this rule of law. law established by the Constitution.

X. The People cultivate a moral quality worthy of the right choice to govern based on their long-term survival. Its collective consciousness is oriented on the just and true idea of ​​a guiding philosophy that citizens assume their personal responsibilities and get involved in their community in order to put in place the means necessary for the success of the honorable and urgent exercise of emancipation and being sovereign while respecting the right to life of civilizations and generations to come.

The People adhere to the principle of sobriety under which “Sobriety goes beyond the dominant framework of energy demand and beyond efficiency and individual behavior”. Sobriety being a set of long-term public policies which avoid upstream the demand for materials, energy, land, water and other natural resources while delivering a decent standard of living for all within the framework of planetary boundaries.

By a decent standard of living, we mean a set of material conditions essential to human well-being (housing, food, basic amenities, health care, transport, information, education and public space). Sobriety solves the problem of equitable consumption of space and resources.

The People control and limit or definitively put an end to human activities of transformation of energy and matter on Quebec territory, when they deem it necessary. Human activities that create an irreversible increase in global disorder are subject to rigorous analysis based on their immediate necessity and the true value of the positive benefits for countless generations to come.

The People choose to live in Quebec by renouncing certain non-essential human activities, in particular a multitude of products resulting from irreversible transformations. The People gradually abandon, without creating suffering, a list of human activities for transforming energy and resources classified according to an order of priority.

XI. Given the state of affairs, given the probable cause of things, given the climate emergency, the American Western model established like the European Western model are both clearly unsustainable in the long term. Furthermore, the West is responsible for the annihilation and disappearance of several sustainable ways of life, including the genocide of multiple indigenous peoples of America, the North, and the South.

The People dissociate themselves from Western models to adhere to a more promising model where, within each community, human activities and its products become resolutely reversible and fully recyclable in a circular manner.

This model is fully and entirely consistent with the climate challenge and the biocapacity of the planet. It aims beyond a carbon neutrality target.

This model aims for the autonomy of people on the smallest possible scale, in particular through Freedom of Autonomy, it advocates collective appropriation of the means of production and consumer goods where individuals grouped naturally or brought together by feelings, common interests, rights or duties tend to be expressed in an autonomous and independent common organization.

This model results in minimizing the transportation of energy, goods and people. It promotes social responsibility, the food sovereignty of communities and their independence from the Global Distribution System.

XII. The Guiding Principles of the Nation are in the interest of future generations.

The natural decline of individualism and a gradual rescission of economic liberalism are at the heart of the Constitution.

XIII. The founding French Canadian people are recognized as the constituent and historical element of the Quebec nation, and their contribution to the establishment and development of this nation is indisputable. In addition, it is the precursor of a new regime favorable to the well-being of civilizations and generations to come.

As such, all communities, all forms of governance of the Federation are committed to protecting and guaranteeing the rights, interests and cultural identity of the founding people, as well as to preserving its cultural and historical heritage.

Any policy or governance measure that could affect the rights or interests of the founding people or that could possibly contribute to their decline will be carefully examined to ensure respect for their rights and their particular status within the nation.

XIV. The Constitution sits at the top of the pyramid. At the higher level, it guarantees specific legal and political protection of the founding people, and also at the lower levels where the norms take their source from the Great Charters, the Law and the Regulations.

In case of doubt, the Constitutional Council of Quebec is the superior court vested with the judicial power to interpret the Constitution and decide constitutional questions.