Healthy Strategic Decapitalism

Before defining Healthy Strategic Decapitalism, let us look at true propositions that cannot be doubted.


FIRST POSTULATE : Moving in the universe, our planet is a physical world which occupies a finite and limited space. As a result, humanity evolves in a closed system. In a completely closed system, « available resources are limited ». In this sense, inside the EARTH SYSTEM there is only a finite quantity of elements essential for life and likewise, the number of organisms that can live inside such a system is limited.

Any irreversible transformation of a resource results in a net loss of this resource, unless its loss can be compensated by a contribution from a source outside the closed system.

Although the Earth System can exchange energy with the external universe (not matter), the irrecoverable waste of our natural resources leads to the same consequences as for a completely closed system : « The number of organisms living in a closed system decreases proportionally to the disappearance of the elements essential to the life of these organisms in the system ».

SECOND POSTULATE: Over a very short period of our time, from the exponential growth of human activities, the result is that humanity’s carbon footprint has largely exceeded the biocapacity of the Earth System. In addition, pollution and overproduction of waste are harmful to the natural mechanisms of regeneration of vital elements. Because of this negative balance of resources essential to life, proportionally, « the living world is dying ».

THIRD POSTULATE: A decline is inevitable « If human activities are not reduced, Mother Nature will impose forced decline on humanity ». Nature’s response is already underway and this movement is accelerating.

FOURTH POSTULATE: The negative balance is caused by a way of life which is based on an ideology of perpetual growth and unlimited transformations of resources. Before it is too late : « we must stop supporting the destructive regime which is unnatural, given our evolution and the nature of the Earth System ».

A LOGICAL FINDING : In a closed system, unlimited growth is unsustainable. If capitalist ideology is based on infinite growth, then capitalism is unsustainable. Since capitalism is unsustainable, this regime will clearly collapse.

ANOTHER LOGICAL OBSERVATION: Given the urgency to act, given the seriousness of the issue on a global scale, capitalism and economic liberalism are not appropriate ideologies for piloting a degrowth plan.

On the contrary, capitalism is based on outdated economic principles that exploitable resources are infinite and that growth can be unlimited. This is false and in truth, after two centuries of industrial revolution, this vision is clearly not consistent with observable reality. In fact, the illusions of economic liberalism have been imposed on the peoples of the Earth in an irresponsible spirit and often unaware minds about the negative impacts on their fellow future generations of citizens.

Who can still believe that it is profitable for a society for anyone to exchange anything as long as it is freely agreed between them? And who among us wants the end of the world because of this false ideology? Who wants a freely agreed mass extinction among those who, to enrich themselves endlessly, can freely murder humanity slowly, one generation after the other?


To put an end to our increasing collective suicide, it is imperative to adopt a strategy to reverse the self-destructive phenomenon.

Quite naturally, by reversing the unsustainable growth that affects us and replacing it with a healthy decline in production-consumption and by generating autonomy at the base, we promote the chances of survival of the mass living at the lower level of the pyramid where it finds itself more and more dependent on the minority comfortably installed at the top.

HEALTHY STRATEGIC DECAPITALISM is a new, sensible philosophy based on the above true propositions.

It is an opportunity to prepare the collective future within the framework of an inclusive and participatory vision, to allow all civilizations to work together to initiate the inevitable degrowth which is the last chance remaining to restore a vital balance that can guarantee the survival of humanity in the closed system that feeds it, it is « The Salutary Choice ».

THE CROSS-CUTTING ISSUE of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism is our long-term survival.

WHEREAS the maintenance of current economic growth is undoubtedly the major factor aggravating the destruction and depletion of vital resources within the closed system of planet Earth :

THE STRATEGIC ORIENTATION of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism consists of making a gradual transition from the current capitalist regime to a new regime aimed at the strategic decrease in supply and overall demand and consequently, the reduction of the labor market and the reduction of industrial production for the benefit of greater autonomy.

INSTEAD OF letting a minority of individuals and gigantic private companies act freely at the top of the pyramid :

THE FIRST OBJECTIVE of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism is to put the family and communities at the center of our priorities, our decisions and our actions, in order to achieve the greatest possible autonomy on the smallest, as possible, collective scale.

THE CARDINAL OBJECTIVES of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism are to replace freedom of competition with cooperation in the economic sphere and to produce only in a spirit of sustainable-essential development and favorable to maintaining living things in good health.

THE MAJOR OBJECTIVES of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism are firstly to restrict the search for unlimited profit and to impose the equitable distribution of wealth; then, to gradually prohibit the irreversible and superfluous transformation of vital resources to maintain immediate trade, with a more noble objective of valorizing our resources to ensure our long-term subsistence; finally, to no longer work on the accumulation of money, but to co-construct aggregates of benefits favorable to united communities which will collaboratively ensure the well-being of all individuals and which will guarantee our long-term survival.

With this new political ideology, the AFC offers the opportunity to change the system, to abolish an unhealthy regime; to curb decadence; to purify democracy; to distribute power; to share the wealth; to eliminate serfdom for the benefit of a tiny minority; to prevent the extinction of living species; to stop waste; to eliminate poverty; to stifle impotent political partisanship and to progressively interrupt free-individualist capitalism until its definitive eradication.

Any people can choose to govern themselves differently. In this regard, the Alliance is proposing to Quebecers a huge reform of the legislative function of the National Assembly, a major reorganization of the executive power and the complete renovation of the justice system.

To achieve this new vision of freedom that comes from a new ideology, all we need is to have confidence in ourselves, in our family, in our community and in our people. If we want, we can act together to build a new society that is fully and entirely autonomous and much fairer for the young people of tomorrow.

My dear friends, let’s take power and change the world!


1. Given its guiding principles, the capitalist regime will not save the world after having caused so much irreparable damage.

2. If we do not change our regime, nature will force decline and it will eventually be very brutal, even fatal.

3. It is very unlikely that humanity will be able to find exile in interplanetary space and survive anywhere other than the Earth System. Abandoning the struggle with this distorted objective would result in a violent crime against humanity.

4. Healthy Strategic Decapitalism is the most viable ideology for generations to come.