Freedom of Autonomy

Climate change alone creates a new obligation.

The postulate is that: « Living things must adapt quickly and they must also adapt well to changes in their immediate environment ».

It is indisputable and what Charles Darwin taught us scientifically confirms it: « The species that survive are those that adapt to change ».

Many individuals seek better conditions elsewhere than in their original environment. However, this does not prevent the obligation to adapt to one’s immediate environment and depending on the circumstances, the arrival of reinforcements can facilitate the adaptation of certain groups.

In theory, nature has ensured that all environments, even the most hostile, provide essential elements for life. But instead, in the latter part of their evolution, humans learned to live from industrialization and the distribution of essential elements, in the same way that they exploit and consume resources that can generate financial profit.

The misfortune of industrialization and the transport of commercial products is that they have caused climate change which in turn causes the urgency to adapt.

In truth, if our consumption was limited to the essential elements of our immediate environment, humanity’s immense global problem would be solved. Transport would no longer be necessary, all paper-cardboard-plastic packaging would no longer be useful, large-scale diversified production of goods of all kinds would no longer pay off and the natural cycles of water, carbon, phosphorus and other essential elements would take place quite naturally without altering the immediate environment, unlike the current situation where a multitude of products come from outside after having been transformed in such a way as to never return to their natural state.

Even though it is obvious that this is the right thing to do, we all know that it will never happen!

On the other hand, at the rate things are going, the immediate environment risks becoming threatening, everywhere and on a large scale.

Even without knowing what will happen, it has become entirely appropriate to establish a new right that would allow anyone willing to adapt to change, that is, to do the said thing to do, or even facilitate the feasibility of this right thing to do, given that this change towards responsible sobriety is clearly the right thing to do to guarantee the long-term survival of humanity. Let’s call this new right « Freedom of Autonomy ».

In our opinion, the right to freedom of autonomy entails a right of association in an independent community : « The Independent Autonomous Collectivity ». Legally, any independent autonomous community can govern itself to ensure sound management of the territory appropriate to its size and needs. In the constitution of a Regional Autonomist Federation, the Division of Independent Autonomous Territories would be responsible for promoting the sustainable development of independent autonomous territorial collectivities and ensuring the coordination of their internal policies with the policies of the nation.

It is clear that part of the immense territory of Quebec can be granted for this purpose, in the public interest, in the very interest of the planet and in the utmost interest of future generations.

With this in mind, an independent self-governing community provides its members with essentials and basic needs, including food and suitable accommodation. For their part, the members of an independent collectivity are no longer indebted to any government or municipality and thus, they have no taxes or royalties of any kind to pay, unless they exercise a job which is not not paid by the community. However, in this context of freedom of autonomy, no one is obliged to produce paid work taxable by the State and in this context, homelessness is eradicated.

« The network of independent autonomous communities » has the mandate to share expertise and scientifically study all the experiences with the ultimate goal of optimizing adaptation to the immediate environment on a given territory where all the elements essential to life are fully and entirely recycled in a responsible manner. The network and administration of an independent autonomous community aims to develop as much as possible a range of sustainable expertise in local self-government in small territories independent of municipalities and regional authorities. In carrying out this work-responsibility, practical knowledge enters into dialogue with science to develop expertise at the service of the youth of the future.

As today’s irresponsible consumption will turn into a high price to pay for generations to come, in this sense, responsible work within an independent self-governing community has great value for future generations. On the one hand, it does not create irreversible pollution and on the other hand, being better equipped to adapt well to one’s environment, knowing how to face environmental challenges and knowing the fundamental rules of the environment will be essential knowledge which constitutes a inestimable wealth resulting from actions carried out by men and women who will not have to wonder if he or she is doing something useful.

This choice, in itself, is heroic!

Consequently, a guaranteed minimum income is a reasonable consideration to pay to individuals who make this choice.

If from now on, in a spirit of Healthy Strategic Decapitalism, young people have new options allowing them to become completely independent and their community can guarantee them autonomy and provide them with basic needs, in conjunction with our proposal « One Family One House » perhaps, around us, we will continue to have children playing around!