
Over the last 50 years, the Quebec government’s budget has increased from $8 billion to $120 billion.

Over the course of the legislatures, our governance has become a Tower of Babel, hyper-centralized and deficit source. Furthermore, this gigantic administration has expanded the scope of its discretionary powers. We have indirectly entrusted it with such room for maneuver to act beyond the rules strictly defined by the Law, that the State can now impose constraints on us, at all possible levels of life, in exchange for services, clearly more and more dysfunctional.

The people have endorsed bad political choices and lies are much more comfortable than the truth to wallow in our old monarchical-flavored regime where mandate after mandate, a small elite of star politicians tirelessly promise prosperity and propose attractive, but impotent solutions. The whole result is an indecent gap in wealth which is widening and we accept global injustice, for lack of anything better.

Today : « Under the gray skies of the West, we row in the mist, on the galley of prosperity that we keep afloat on an ocean of debt ».

In short, today’s governments are the equivalence of absolute monarchies disguised as various variations of a supposed form of independent democratic republic, as Gibbon well described this state of affairs in « The decline and fall of the Roman empire » when Emperor Augustus proclaimed himself father of the nation with the honorable title of Prince of the Senate : « The principles of a free constitution are irrevocably lost, when the legislative power is nominated by the executive ».

In this regard, our contemporary governments are in fact only a handful of individuals invested with absolute power of control over the legislative apparatus and at the same time, said individuals rule the executive and this, in addition to appointing the magistrates they choose from their ranks to pilot the judiciary.

This inflationary system is unsustainable! Our boat is taking on water!

However, here and now, the real issues are very easy to identify :

  1. The existence of life on earth is threatened (Global issue).
  2. The people without children is a dying breed (Regional issue).

I am not launching a fear campaign by making a false apocalyptic speech, I am speaking clearly about our immediate reality. Of all the major challenges our society has faced, our choices have never been so decisive. At this turning point in our history, it is imperative that we focus our efforts on long-term survival, as we are on the path to extinction, globally and regionally.

In this state of affairs, the questions arise as to whether humanity will adapt or put up with lies and arbitrariness until its complete loss. In the contemporary context, the political tradition of seeking prosperity is the main cause of the overwhelming weight of threats weighing on the Common Future. All potential solutions must be reviewed and redirected towards the only path forward, which boils down to one philosophy, Healthy Strategic Decapitalism.

The truth, quite naturally, is logical and given its simplicity, it is admissible in the eyes of all.

  • First, we need to change our system.
  • Second, we must support families.

In other words, it must be clear that our actions contribute to creating a healthy future, not collective suicide! Quite simply, it must be easy to feed the children and find shelter. All our young people must be able to start a family without having to go into lifelong debt and work like crazy!

To change the regime, taking power is a necessary evil. For this reason, I founded the Alliance for Families and Communities (AFC) whose mission is to « rebuild together » a fair society for the young people of tomorrow and carry out this project from a new platform based on the basis of a new political ideology, Healthy Strategic Decapitalism, and to constitute the new democratic regime that results from it, the Regionalist Autonomist Federation, and to integrate a new right, Freedom of Autonomy.

In order to restore the vital balance that human activities have disrupted and guarantee the future of our people, our adaptation to change is essential. Our proposals are based on truth and unshakable logic.

In the current context, can you still do something for your children and their future grandchildren? The answer is yes « .

« Give me the power and I will give you the means to do change the world ».

Alain Rioux, head of the AFC