One Family One House

In Quebec, for half a century, we have been cutting 25 million cubic meters of wood each year. For our use, we keep only 5% of our precious resource in Quebec. The rest is used by our neighbors, transformed into cardboard and/or resold on the world market.

The history of Quebec has demonstrated that the piece-by-piece house is the best choice of residence, because it is easy to build and it is perfectly adapted to our climate. Very advantageously, this type of structure is erected in one day and does not require plastics or processed materials of all kinds or the expertise of specialized workers and finally, does not require as much sawing energy to transform our resource in 2″x4″.

In truth, to house a family, 25 cubic meters of wood is enough for this type of construction.

If for a family house, we need 25 m3 and we cut 25,000,000 m3 of wood, we could house a million families in a million houses in pieces by pieces with our harvest in a single year!

All that is missing is the political will to promote our resource instead of wasting it.

And despite this, we are in a housing crisis in Quebec, it’s a shame!

We have this political will and the AFC proposes to resolve the housing crisis in Quebec through the Nationalization of the forestry industry in a manner similar to what René Lévesque did in the field of hydroelectricity with our water resource. Quite simply, we are going to promote Quebec’s forest resources and put them at the service of Quebecers, in particular by promoting 10% of our forest resources in the “One house, one family” project.

Only 10% of the resource will make it possible to build 100,000 houses in a single year. In this way, the Quebec state will offer new families a comfortable home to live decently and at a reasonable price. Land and a garden for any new family, on “Crown lands”, i.e. lands in the domain of the Quebec state which constitute 92% of the surface area of ​​Quebec territory, or 1.5 million kilometers squares at 5 people per square kilometer.

To conclude, the AFC proposes to modify the laws related to the real estate market to adapt them to a revolution in the field of housing in Quebec. This action is part of the philosophy of Beneficial Strategic Decapitalism where the Freedom of Autonomy becomes in the common interest of a Regional Autonomist Federation.